Inputting Players onto a RosterPrintable

There is no mechanism to Import players onto a Team's roster.

Two or more Databases
There are at least two databases at work here.
  1. The CYSA-N database

    This database is called Affinity and is the 'official' database. This is the database that is used to produce your official team roster for fall and tournament play (the 'Goldenrod'). This is the database that requires 1601 Forms from all players. This is the database that handles insurance and issues USYSF player passes.

  2. The Redwood League database

    This database is called RidgeStar and is the database that you are currently visiting. This database is used to handle registration into the Redwood League. Redwood League registration is used to make data entry by the League Registrars into the Affinity database easier.

  3. The Playing League Databases

    CCSL uses GotSoccer for match card generation. Other PlayingLeagues use GotSoccer, Demosphere and other software. The Playing League will require you enter the player data into the PlayingLeague website/database to facilitate match card generation, suspension tracking, or guest players.

Input Players

If you need to input (new to the Redwood Database) your Players, you can do so via Registration-Add new Player.

If the player is already in the Redwood Database AND not affiliated with a different team, you can add them to your team via Registration-Edit Roster

Updated 10/28/2015