Update vs. Reschedule a matchPrintable

If you need to change an already scheduled game

Use Update if referees have not been assigned to the Match
Use Reschedule if referees have been already assigned to the Match


Update allows teams to change the date, time or field for a match.


When referees have been assigned, you cannot "Update" the date, time or field of a match.
Reschedule is the same as Update but will also reset the referee assignments.
Reschedule will:

  • Cancel the old match. The old match will still be visible but with a strikethrough.
  • Notify the referees and opponents that the old match has been changed. See Note 1 below.
  • Establish a new match that will let you set the new date, time or field


Go to TeamStaff:Matches
Enter new information
Click Update or Reschedule, as appropriate

Note 1: Notices will only be sent to the opponents and the referee crew if the Match being cancelled is within -23 days Outside of this time window and no Notices will be generated.