How to mark TimesSlots "Returned to City"?Printable

A Scheduler can bulk change the Status of TimeSlots as 'Returned to City'. Starting in Spring 2010 this has been used by Clubs obtaining fields from the Palo Alto Parks and Recreation Department. Palo Alto gives excess field slots to the youth clubs with the understanding that the youth clubs will return unscheduled fields and times to the City to make those times and fields available to other organizations.

  1. Go to Scheduler:Manage-TimeSlots
  2. Adjust the criteria to reflect the TimeSlots of interest. Use Date range and Status=Available. Use Sort of Date,Field,Time
  3. Click on Show
  4. Click on return The Status of the displayed TimeSlots will be changed to 'Returned to City'
  5. Click on pdf . Save the pdf and email the pdf to the appropriate contact at the City Parks and Recreation Department