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How to add a field to the databasePrintable

Only an Administrator or League Officers can add a Playing Field to the database.

If you know of a field that is missing, please:

  1. Determine the name(s) of the field. Both the 'official' name and common nicknames are needed.
  2. Determine the street address of the field including zip code (this could be also the intersection of two roads.)
  3. Determine anything special regarding the field. (For example Stadium Field in San Carlos is NOT visible from the street)
  4. Determine if the field is grass or synthetic turf.
  5. Determine how many fields are at this location.

    A full size field that is also used cross wise for 2 8v8 fields would be 3 fields. Example:Mayfield North, Mayfield NE and Mayfield NW

  6. Send all the information to the Webmaster.


Location = College Preparatory High School;
Fields = Stadium Field, Practice Field;
Address = 123 Main Street, MyHomeTown, CA 90000;
Surface = Stadium Field is Turf. Practice Field is Grass;
Notes = No food or non-water drinks allowed on the Stadium Field. No dogs allowed on the school campus. Please park in the student parking lot on the northeast corner of the campus. Field closure hotline is 888-555-1212

Last Updated 1/3/2011